Purple Power Takes Over Capitol Hill
10,000 Volunteers
500 + Meetings with Member of Congress
300 + Signers of the Congressional Cancer Promise
3 million plus signatures on Wall of Hope Banners
to comprise of a Wall of Hope Monument
Nearly 10,000 cancer patients, survivors and their families from every Congressional District in the country gathered yesterday on the Mall for the successful Celebration on the Hill, a unique grassroots event celebrating cancer survivorship and urging Congress to make cancer a national priority. It was a successful and inspirational event.
The Congressional Cancer Promise* was signed by 6 of our 10 Minnesota Lawmakers. Those that signed were: Sen. Dayton, Rep. Gutknecht, Rep. Ramstad, Rep. McCollum, Rep. Oberstar, and Rep. Peterson.
*The Promise is a commitment by Members to support our federal legislative agenda
(ie: More funding for Cancer Research, National Breast & Cervical Cancer Early Detection)
Go to the www.acscan.org web site and read the blog notes written by those that attended the Celebration on the Hill event. You will be awed. You will also see photos of the event. Look at the Wall of Hope Monument on the Mall. When the Luminaria Ceremony was held, a “Beam of Hope” filled the night sky as a symbol of hope and possibility to all who saw it. The beam reached 2,000 feet into the sky. When viewed from the steps of the U.S.Capitol, the Washington Monument appeared PURPLE.
*Special permission had to be granted by the Federal Aviation Administration
The Celebration on The Hill Event was sponsored by The Cancer Action Network of the
American Cancer Society. (www.acscan.org)
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