Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Celebration on The Hill Live Webcast 9/20

Live Webcast Wednesday - Celebration on The Hill
I just found out that tomorrow there will be a live webcast from Washington, DC, covering the Celebration on the Hill that I just wrote about below. The opening ceremony is at 10 am and it will be live coverage throughout the event. There are also participants that are blogging from the event. Go to:
for the blogs: Click on Blog tab
Be part of the excitment! The Wall of Hope "Monument" will be 3 banners high and stretch 3 city blocks. They are in the process of setting things up this afternoon for tomorrow's event. You can read all about it on the web site.

Later: Oh my gosh, this evening I spent time looking at the blogs from those that are in Washington, DC at the Celebration on the Hill. (read my posts below). All you blog readers, take some time to read some of them, log on to www.acscan.org . See the LIVE webcast tomorrow from 10 am to 10 pm of all the activites, click on the blog tab to read the blogs. Look at the photos from the last 2 days, as they set up the event.

Our Ambassadors are representing all of us! These are the issues they will be talking to our lawmakers about:

The Congressional Cancer Promise
The Promise is a commitment by Members to support our federal legislative agenda.

More Funding for Cancer Research
Increase funding for the National Cancer Institute by at least 5% per year.

National Breast & Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program
Ensure that all women have access to mammograms
Learn more about these issues by logging
on to www.acscan.org (link on the left)


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