Wednesday, April 26, 2006


This is what the garden will look like soon......

I mentioned to you earlier that all at once, one day soon, we would see green and buds on the trees here in Duluth. Yesterday was beautiful! We reached 62 degrees on my drive home from work. The lawns are green, and I see the buds are coming out on the trees. The lake was that beautiful shade of blue again.

Today it was 71 degrees on my way home. I stopped at the Rose Garden down by the lake, and I walked. I’ve been doing that some evenings before coming home, and sometimes at lunch time I take a drive there and walk. I thought it would be a good place to walk, because I can see the lake, and I will be able to see the awakening of the roses and flowers in the gardens. Also, until I get more used to walking, it has beautiful marble benches that I can sit down and rest on! Last week the rose beds were all covered with leaves and bags, as they do for the winter. Tonight the rose beds were all uncovered and I saw that some beds were starting to be dug up. One of the beds has some purple crocuses blooming. Our rose garden is a beautiful spot, and the tourists always stop there. A lot of Duluthians take it for granted and often don’t even stop in.

The rose garden connects with the Lakewalk. I figure when I get in shape walking around the garden, I will then be able to advance to the lakewalk! Maybe by the end of the summer I might be able to walk the whole way to Canal Park??


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a place that good for your soul as well as your body don't you think?

Yahoo--you go girl!

6:41 AM  

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