Sunday, May 02, 2010

Much Better This Weekend!

Well, I certainly did have a better weekend than I did last weekend. Last Friday evening I accidentally got some cleaning solution in my left eye. Ouch, did that ever hurt! I went to Urgent Care at my favorite hospital. The Doc looked at the cornea and said it looked fine, and even though I was in terrible pain, he did not send me home with any medicine, told me just to take ibupron. Well, it didn't get better, and I went to bed early, so that I would not feel the pain. 3 AM, woke up with worse pain, and a worst looking eye, red and swollen! Went back to UC and after waiting many hours to be seen,and being very miserable, find out that NOW there is a burn on my cornea. So back home with two eye drop medications, to be taken every 2 hours. Went back to bed. Got up only to take the eye drops.... the only way I could handle the pain was to sleep! So, I also slept away the whole day on Sunday. What a waste of a weekend! And, eye pain is one of the worst pains ever! Thankfully, the meds worked, I was able to go to work on Monday...though I had to explain to everyone that I did not have "Pink Eye," which is contagious, and still did my eye drops every two hours. I was worried that it wouldn't be better for a trip I was taking the next day to St. Paul with a group to see the Dead Sea Scrolls at the Science Musuem. The Doctor told me that "eyes heal fast", he was right. I was able to take the trip the next day and see all the exhibits at the museum!


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