A question for you
Linda's Thoughts from Duluth
One of my friends has asked if I would put a question on my blog for people to respond to (she's not a blogger, but is a reader of blogs). A friend of hers says that there is no humor in the Bible. She disagrees, but doesn't have any specific passages or concrete information. She is sure there is humor in there. So her question I'm posting and I hope you, my readers will respond to is: Is there humor in the Bible, if you say yes, please give us the scripture or tell us where to find it. Thank you from both of us! (Click on comments below and it will allow you to respond)
This will be a fun weekend project!!! The first thing Michael thought of was the angel coming to Sarah to tell her she was pregnant (at 90 or something). Sarah laughs at the angle and thus their child Isaac is named. Isaac = laughter. We also like Adam's come back when God catches him with the forbidden fruit..."it's her fault!! (the woman made me do it) There is also a story in one of the gospels where Jesus is walking thru a field and says, kind out of the blue, "cut all of the fig trees down"....a wierd out of character exchange. A very fun question and a great way to keep our minds focused on God as Epiphany winds down...
How have you been feeling? Any news on your surgery? Please be sure to let me know when you are scheduled! I really enjoyed reading about the kids dance competition! Take care! Love, Steph
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