Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Opinion Page News Trib 01.01.07

Linda's Thoughts from Duluth
Back to work today. I've had my soup. Now, I will post on the rest of my lunch time, because I had something yesterday that I wanted to tell my readers to look at and I forgot about it until this morning. Yesterday's newspaper had three "Letters to the Editor" letters printed that I found were really good. I usually read the opinion letters, but don't always feel they are all good ones, but this time I found myself agreeing with all of them. One was about
noticing an absence of "compassion, respect and loyalty", (I'm not a fan of our war, but do agree we must support our troops). The second is about "missing the big picture" when it comes to religion, democracy, and what our founding fathers had in mind for our country. The third is about smoking, health and of course the big debate we are having here in Minnesota over this issue.

To my out of town readers, click on the Duluth News Tribune link on the left of this page,
click on Archives, "Monday" (January 1st), then click on "Opinions" and "readers views".


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