Friday, September 29, 2006



Mother and Children Program

MAC is a program for income eligible Minnesota women who are pregnant or have had a baby in the last year; and children under age 6 (not served by WIC).

Monthly a supplemental food package is given that often contains ready-to-eat and/or hot cereal; instant potatoes, rice or pasta; canned juices, fruits and vegetables; canned beef, chicken, beef stew, tuna, peanut butter or egg mix; American cheese, dry milk and/or evaporated milk. Infants receive special boxes including formula, infant rice cereal and juice. MAC is a supplemental food program and is not intended to be their only food source.

Nutrition Assistance Program for Seniors
NAPS is a program for income eligible Minnesota residents over the age of 60.

Although menus vary, monthly supplemental food package will most often contain ready-to-eat and/or hot cereal; instant potatoes, rice or pasta; canned juices, fruits and vegetables; canned beef, chicken, beef stew, tuna, peanut butter or egg mix; American cheese, dry milk and/or evaporated milk. NAPS is a supplemental food program and is not intended to be their only food source. These foods are chosen because they contain nutrients needed for growth and repair of body tissues as well as maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle. The NAPS programs supplies this food to registered participants and is not intended to feed other household members. Recipes for the commodity foods are available. “Nutrition News” publication is given each quarter, to help provide resources to maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle!

NAPS is not considered when the senior applies for food stamps, energy assistance and other programs.

The monthly boxes that are given to those on the MAC & NAPS program are packed by volunteers who come to the Second Harvest Food Bank once a month. 15 -20 people are needed to accomplish this task, and volunteers are always welcome to come, even if they can't be there every month.
The staff member that runs the program sends a card each month, and requests an rsvp, so she will know how many volunteers she will have. If you are interested in helping with this worthwhile community service, please call Sandy at the Second Harvest Food Bank, it is located in the Airpark off Haines Road by the airport.


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