Summer's Here

Summer has come to Duluth! It takes longer for us to get it, but it’s here. The last few days have been very warm. Yesterday the humidity was high. I hate the humidity. I sometimes think when we have 90 degrees with humidity and I’m so uncomfortable, that I could probably never survive a summer in SE PA anymore. The humidity in the summer there is bad. Days like yesterday remind me of home. It was very uncomfortable, and the sleeping was not good. Now, usually when we have a hot, humid day, it cools off for night sleeping...but not always. Most of us in Duluth do not have central air. Some have air conditioners for one or two rooms, but I can never convince my husband to purchase a window air conditioner. Every summer when we get weather like yesterday, I threaten to go and buy one. Sometime I will! That’s what I did to get us a ceiling fan in our living room. I always wanted one and he said we didn’t need one.
When the electrician was here to do our kitchen remodeling, I had him bring a ceiling fan and install it. He came home from work and there was the ceiling fan. Of course, he wasn’t happy with me at the time, but he got over it. Now, he admits, the fan is really nice and makes our room much more comfortable on hot days!
Today’s humidity was much better. We have a beautiful breeze with our 90 degree temp. The breeze really helps, and it seems when we have a breeze the humidity is lower, or we don’t mind it as much. The lake is a beautiful shade of deep blue, the flowers blooming in the parks and yards, and everyone out enjoying this great summer day. I started to go for a walk, but it was just too hot. I sat out on the deck and enjoyed the sun and the breeze.
A beautiful summer day!
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