Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Relay Week

Last Wed. through yesterday, I’ve been too busy with Relay to write. Busy at work, helping to get ready for four relays being held in Duluth and three near by communities this Friday, the 14th. (See my relay link for more info). I am also captain for a relay team for the Duluth event. Most of our team members are from my church, but also have some friends from the community. I keep getting more members, and I think I will end up with the limit of 15. I had a call last night from a friend who decided at the last minute to join. We have many people in our church battling cancer right now, and many that are cancer survivors. We will be walking the track Friday night, 6 pm to 6 am Saturday morning, in their honor, and in memory of those who lost their battle.

My team members that are from the church, we got together and planned a breakfast, as a fundraiser, that we held on Sunday morning. We worked on Saturday morning to set everything up. We had a “Baggy” Omelet Breakfast. Everyone received a zip lock bag, put their name on it, chose from our assortment of ingredients, what they wanted in their omelet, and they placed the ingredients in the bag, and we had one gal who did the “cooking”, placed the bags in the boiling water for 15 minutes, and out came a beautiful omelet, onto their plate, placed on their plate by one of our members, who absolutely cannot stand eggs! We served coffee bread, muffins, fruit salsa with cinnamon tortilla “chips”, orange juice and coffee. While they waited for their omelet to cook, we had a few silent auction items for them to bid on. Everyone said they enjoyed their breakfast, and it was good fellowship for us all.

We each donated the ingredients, therefore everything was profit. Between the breakfast and the auction we made $537.00 … not bad for the first time trying something like this. We are grateful to all who were brave enough to try the “baggy” omelet. When one of the women suggested it, we looked at her like she was crazy. She insisted she did it before and that it worked. Two of our group went home and tried it before believing her!

We were all tired when we left about noon, but had a real sense of accomplishment, and $537 more, plus 37.00 worth of candy bars sold (remember I told you about the candy before), for our team contribution to fighting cancer. I also set up an educational table about early detection, and our ACS programs.

Speaking of candy – our chocolates are selling like crazy. Two members picked up almost 200 more bars over the weekend to sell, and last evening one member turned in money for 150 bars. As I said before, the most delicious chocolate bars you ever had!

I was awake early today because I’ve had “relay” on my mind. I will have a lot of work to do today, and maybe will go in a bit early.

Tonight I want to write about the great surprise phone call I received last evening from someone I’ve not talked to in at least 40 years or more! Hopefully I won’t be too "relayed out" to blog tonight.


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