Friday, June 01, 2007

Ordean Middle School in Red Plan

Ordean Middle School would be affected by the "Red Plan" and the "White Plan". The Red plan and the White plan would call for Ordean to become a high school. The "Blue Plan" would call for it to remain a middle school. If it became a high school, it would be only one of two in the city,with Denfeld in the western part of town being the other high school.

Ordean Junior High School was built During the years 1954 - 1956. Many changes have occurred since that time. Ninth grade was moved to the high schools, and fifth and sixth grades were added to Ordean's middle school configuration. In 2000, the fifth grade was moved back to the elementary schools and Ordean became a 6-8 school. Remodeling and construction have helped Ordean expand and modernize its program. In 1992, three new science classrooms/labs were opened. During the 1993-94 school year, six new classrooms were utilized and a new media center was built which houses a media class area, library stacks, a writing lab and computer lab. Ordean has added network wiring to renovate another computer lab and to link classrooms via internet. (taken from the Duluth Schools web site).
In 1985, boundary's were changed and our daughter went to Ordean for middle school, rather than Woodland Middle School. I could elaborate on this issue as to how we felt this, but that is "water over the bridge", so I won't go there. Anyhow, by the time our boys hit middle school the boundary changed again, and they both went to Woodland.


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