Sunday, June 10, 2007

Great Weather/Great Weekend

After almost two weeks of some rainy, dreary weather, we are in the third day of wonderful weather here in Duluth…and it’s even the weekend! Friday was so beautiful, 70’s, sunny and great. The prediction was for more of the same for Saturday morning only, and then with rain coming in. However, we have had three great days. Both yesterday and today it was 76 degrees by noon! The sun was out; there was a light breeze (but not cold breeze) and lots of SUN. Yeah, these are the kind of days that we treasure here in Duluth, and days like this we remember that it’s weather like this that we live in Duluth, Minnesota for!

Today I really took advantage of the weather. I sat outside on our deck and just relaxed and read a book. When the sun got hot, I moved to the porch and sat. While on the porch I observed a rabbit that hopped over to our front yard and sat and looked around for a long time. Then he hopped over to the neighbor’s yard. Later, a chipmunk came running along. Then, a squirrel, which stopped on our sidewalk and munched on something he had in his paws. They were all so cute. See, I don’t have to live in the country after all to see wildlife.

Yesterday, I didn’t have a lot of chance to enjoy the outdoors since we were having company for supper. I had planned an Italian meal and had even made parts of it on Friday night. If I had known how nice the day would turn out, I would have planned to B B Q and sit outside. We haven’t put our outdoor furniture on the deck yet, because Bob wants to stain it first, (something that has to be done almost once a year here, with our winters). We really should have eaten outdoors last evening, now I wish we had, looking back. Anyhow, I spent most of yesterday doing the deep cleaning you do, when you know company is coming, and working on my meal. But, I had windows open in every room, so I enjoyed the breeze and fresh air in the house!

We had a beautiful evening with our friends, and after they left Bob and I commented “why don’t we do this more often?” I think that us women that are employed outside the home put off entertaining because be think our house must be perfect and we haven’t the time to make it perfect. However, we must keep in mind that it isn’t about our house or even what food we make, it’s really about being with our friends and enjoying our friends! I’m going to try to remember that!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never clean before company--except the bathroom(s) and to pick up clutter. If I can, I have flowers from my garden--or Cub. What did you make in you Italian meal?

5:25 PM  

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