Friday, May 22, 2009


I get a 4 day holiday weekend, so I want to catch up on my blog. I need this time off of my job, I came back from vacation overloaded with work, I feel like I will never get caught up. I have been working late most every evening, and I don't get paid for it, so I know I shouldn't be doing it. But, what can I say... I am a dedicated worker and can't seem to get away from being that way. It's going to be hard for me not to think of work, but I'm going to try. With the job market and unemployment what it is these days, I am thankful to have a job!

I don't think I've mentioned this, but in March we got the news that our organization would be giving us employees 4 furloged days between March 1st and Aug. 31st (end of our fiscal year) to help with our financial picture. I'm sure you've heard the word "furloged" more than once these days - it means, of course, time OFF WITHOUT pay. We are very thankful that they did not give us an across the board pay cut, or lay more of us off, and they were very smart in giving us FRIDAY's before holidays. Our first one was Good Friday before Easter, this one is our second, and then we get one before 4th of July and Labor Day. So, this makes for nice long weekends, which are appreciated by us all. (We are trying not to think about it being one more day that we won't get work done from our work load).

We are not the only ones sacrificing - our top leadership team (CEO, etc) for our Midwest Division, American Cancer Society, has taken a 5 % across the board pay cut from their salaries.


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