Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Had to Say Goodbye to Coco

Hi again...know it's been awhile. The last week and a half have been busy, between dog sitting, work, and nursing a chest cold, that is now developing tonight into a head cold...I haven't had time or energy to blog. Thought I'd drop a line quick tonight, so you know I didn't fall off the face of the earth.

I must tell you that we had the very best time last week with our "Grand Dog Coco". All three of us had fun with her and enjoyed her... I don't know who had the best time with her, it would be a tie between Bob and I, but I think Bob had more time during the day to be with her, so he really had the fun! Bob would not let Rob or I take her out, he took her out for her "walks" on a regular basis, he had a schedule. He would not put her on a leash and let her on the porch, oh no...he walked her each time...even at 11 each night before going to bed. He wouldn't admit it, of course, but since he never complained or asked anyone else to walk her, I know he really enjoyed doing it.

We had to say goodbye to her on Sunday. We drove to Hinckley on Sunday afternoon, our daughter met us there to get "their Coco" back (Hinckley is half way). They said they really missed her. Their trip to Mexico went well, although it was not near as warm as they expected it to be, in fact they had to buy warmer clothes there, and there weren't many "warm" clothes to be had! The warmest day was the day they left (Sat.). When we said goodbye, Coco had her face to the window of the car, Dawn holding her, and she looked so sad. Dawn called us on her cell phone a bit later and told us that she kept looking out the window like she wondered where we were, and that she was whimpering (something she very seldom does). She missed us! We gave her so much attention, it will be hard for her to be in her kennel inside the house all day long while they are at work during the day. Dawn said that she was sure it was a lot calmer at Grandma and Grandpa's, without the 7 year old around!

We sure have been missing her this week. I wish I could talk my husband into us getting a "Coco", but much as he loves her, he says no, everytime I bring up the subject. I need no convincing, but convincing him will probably be pretty impossible. My son in law said he'd gladly call the breeder and we could get a little one. One of my friends said I should just bring one home and give it to my husband for a "gift"... and that he'd "get over it"...I told her she didn't know my husband very well...ha ha. I'd really be asking for trouble if I did that!

I guess we will have to be content to be the Grandparents of Coco, and keep her when we can!
Maybe we could have "visitation" rights?


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